Sunday, 6 February 2011

Some of the work displayed are from projects I enjoyed the most or the pieces I had more fun creating. The recycling project was by far the most inspirational, the conceptual area meant that there was so many materials too use and ideas too work from. the possibilities were endless and this is were I could, 'let loose', the white dress displayed was the biggest piece made from this project. I loved the concept behind this dress. The work based on organic decay was a eye opening project for me, during this work I learned how to make felt, and made prints for the first time. The Alice in Wonderland images were for my final major project and show my final pieces and some development work. The work I did for this was a huge amount and taught me how too manage my time effectively.
    I am captivated by eastern culture and art and this often inspires my work, the colour combinations and aesthetic design. I like too make conceptual art a big part of my garments, as I think its gives a function to fashion. I think fashion is a combination of functionality and an individual's personality. too me its a form of expression, and I love making my own clothes from various different fabrics and unusual patterns.
   I would really like to attend the programme as I think I would thrive in that environment, also placing my own in interpretation and concepts into the industry would be amazing. 

Saturday, 5 February 2011

Some of my final pieces inspired by Alice in Wonderland, I created two childrens fancy dress costumes; The Mad Hatter and the March Hare, as well as an adults costume for Alice. The childrens costumes are durable practical and comfortable.
Recycle! Deconsruction and Reconstruction, this was an argument to reject the idea that wedding dresses have too be very expensive, this was totally constructed out of charity shop shirts two shop bought brand new shirts towels and table clothes.

Two pieces took from a series of development drawings, based on indian culture. The colours and mehndi inspired imagery is probably what i most love to draw.

Samples, development and final peice. This seqeunce of work was inspired by organic decay. i made my own felt, which was very time consuming.
Back to nature. The delicate paper flowers i created were placed in a natural environment, i placed my art back to its origins and inspiration.

This piece mirrors marine life, i wanted texture and luminescence in the fabrics i used. this was too add dimension and marine characteristics to the overall effect.